Sujet :

ou xp et les zone

   Posté le 28-02-2008 à 08:28:36   

10-12 - Globby Globs (yellow ones) in the Well.

12-14 - Zombies in the Town hall basement (hidden passage, you unlock it by doing the next Story quest after the well chain).

14-17 - Greedy Rats, Inn Basement (you unlock it by doing Mysterious Elder quests)
don't forget to get the guardian's repeatable quest so you get extra exp and rewards ME: also at familiar crypt, u don't need do any quest

17-20 - Toxic Tiger Moths in Placid Plains (around the north west entrance), you can get Raymond's repeatable quest (the first one on the list) to get extra exp and rewards. ME: Or sombre zombies at the familiar crypt, i prefer downstairs, they have very good drops (for people that need money)

20-23 - Pearly Frogs in Canute Canal (Eversun South).

23-24 - Chestbeaters in Canute Canal (Eversun South) Make sure to have a doctor in party, or doctor subskills for these.

24-26 - Bonkers Bow-Wow Bums (aka Spotted Dogs), around the South East exit in Placid Plains. If you find these hard, there's several spots around where only 2-3 spawn at any time ^^

26-28 - Holy Kuku Eggs in GiantWood Forest (around X:300 Y:400), monsters start to hurt at this level, playing in group is recommended.

28-30 - Forest Lady Bugs in GiantWood forest, not far from the Holy Kuku Eggs. You can also try Neptune Temple in Swan Lake Basin but you'll need a party.

30-32 - Neptune Temple, King Globs should do (you will need a Doctor though).

32-36 - Bandit Thugs inside Grizzly Garrison (Copperhorn Mountain), you'll need a party.
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